The Health Benefits of Honey

Discover the many health benefits of honey, how bees make it, and why its color depends on a variety of factors.

By Hank Will
Updated on September 27, 2023
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by Adobestock/Daniel Vincek

Discover the many health benefits of honey, how bees make it, and why its color depends on a variety of factors.

Folks have been consuming honey for thousands of years. In fact, for many of those thousands of years, it was the only significant source of relatively concentrated energy in the form of sugar. No wonder the stuff was once considered to be a gift from the gods and to convey supernatural properties.

We’ve used honey in medicine, as a foodstuff, as a trade good, and even in the fermentation of beverages. More recently, honey conjures images of golden sweet goodness dripping from oven-fresh corn bread or hot tea and lemon with the tartness tempered, but there’s much more to honey than the sweet amber glow.

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