Looking Back 6: Homestead Predators – Lions and Wolves and Bears, Oh, My

Reader Contribution by Steven Gregersen
Published on July 8, 2015
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Our situation is unusual when it comes to large predators we have to deal with. The majority of homesteaders don’t have grizzly and black bears, mountain lions, wolves, bobcats, lynx, and coyotes for neighbors. In reality, few of them actually give us problems although we still take precautions to protect ourselves and our animals.

The best homestead defense against most large predators is a good dog. You don’t necessarily need a large dog, but it must be one of at least moderate size (to keep from being food for mountain lions); it needs to be smart enough to know when rousing the household is better than engaging the “enemy”; and it needs to be able to run loose and yet stay home.

Our current dog is great at all of the above. Those we had that weren’t were taken to the animal shelter to be adopted by other owners.

Equally necessary are good fences designed to protect your animals from predators. Our chicken house and run is near the cabin and has wire over the top giving them protection on the sides, ends, and threats from above.

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