Exterior Window Weather Stripping

By Dan Ramsey
Updated on March 27, 2023
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by Adobestock/Paul Maguire
If the seal around the panes leaks or is damaged, air and moisture can enter or gas can escape, making the insulation less effective.

Keep out all weather, retain conditioned air with exterior window weather stripping, and replace or recaulk your windows and doors.

Replacing Damaged or Worn Weather Stripping

Because doors and windows are designed to open and close, the seal between these barriers and their frames are not sufficiently tight to keep out all weather and keep in the home’s conditioned air. Weather stripping fills the gaps. However, with use, weather stripping can be worn or damaged and need replacement. To maintain weather stripping once or twice a year:

  1. Open and close each exterior door or window in the home to identify the type and location of weather stripping. Most types are pressure weather stripping of soft material attached to the door or window; the weather stripping compresses against the door frame when the door is closed.
  2. Inspect the condition of each weather stripping part. If the weather stripping is damaged, measure it, remove a sample, and take it to a hardware store for an exact replacement.
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