Build a Tomato String Trellis

By Andrew Weidman
Updated on April 17, 2023
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by Andrew Weidman
An A-frame trellis will keep your tomatoes off the ground without the risk of snapped vines.

Grow your best tomatoes by building an easy DIY tomato string trellis for easier harvesting, cleaner, and healthier tomatoes.

Gardeners love to train their tomato vines into the air. Tomato vines produce better when we lift them off the ground for several reasons: The plants stay healthier, the fruits stay cleaner, and there’s less loss to pests and rot. Harvesting elevated tomatoes is easier on your back, to boot.

There are several different ways to train your tomato vines, each with its own difficulties. The classic, staking, requires tying the vines to a tall wooden stake. Ties can slide down the stake or strangle vines, or the vines can snap at the ties from their own weight. Cages made from panels of hog fence or concrete reinforcing wire mesh contain rampant vines, but they also create an impenetrable thicket, hiding the ripest tomatoes in the exact center of the cage. Fence-type trellises do create a manageable flat hedge of tomato vines, but they require more material and still risk broken branches when they grow too long before they’re woven back into the mesh. And let’s not even discuss store-bought “tomato cage” wire cones; they’re too flimsy for supporting tomatoes and work much better as pepper cages.

A-frame trellises actually use the tomato vines’ own weight to safely suspend them above the soil. An A-frame consists of four legs and a connecting ridgepole; a good example of an A-frame is an old pipe-frame swingset. While you could certainly use an old swingset as a tomato trellis, they can be hard to find these days, and they are hard to store in the offseason. Use the following instructions to build your own collapsible trellis from 2-by-4 framing lumber. Each trellis stands just over 7 feet tall and provides enough room for two to three tomato vines.

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