Lawn Mower Safety Tips

By Grit Staff
Updated on June 26, 2023
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by Getty Images/Comstock Images

Remember these lawn mower safety tips when using an electric lawn mower, a push lawn mower, or a riding lawn mower.

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 60,000 injuries are treated in hospital emergency rooms each year because of unsafe operation of lawn mowers. Safety should be your first concern whenever operating these powerful machines.

Today, manufacturers have developed much safer mowers than those in the past, but even the safest mower won’t prevent a careless operator from causing an accident or injury. Remember that safety with lawn mowers is the operator’s responsibility. The following lawn mower safety tips are only as good as the folks who enforce them.

Rules to live by for all mowing machines

  • First and foremost, read the owner’s manual and learn about the machine and its controls before taking it out of the garage. Learn how to start it, and more importantly, how to stop it quickly. Always give your complete and undivided attention to the safe operation of the machine.
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