Feeding Joy: Cold Weather Food Recipes and Memories

By Allison Sarkesian
Updated on September 28, 2022
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by AdobeStock/kerkezz

Allison shares cold weather food recipes that are dear to her heart, and encourages readers to share their favorite dishes.

Every winter, I look forward to a bounty of home-cooked meals and fresh-baked goodies. As the weather dips into lower digits around my neck of the woods, warm comfort foods become the norm — a welcome treat as I’m begrudging the lack of summer sunshine. As much as I adore fresh produce, there’s little better to me than the soups, breads, and hot cocoas that define the winter season around my home.

I enjoy cooking and baking, but a hot summer kitchen can make it hard to find motivation to turn on the stove. In wintertime, I’m happy to cozy up to the added warmth and let my culinary experiments go full force. Of course, I keep a steady rotation of tried-and-true favorites on the meal plan, but the short winter days and cool temperatures afford me more time and inspiration to try new things. Some turn out great; others are best not repeated. Either way, I learn from the experience and take that knowledge with me into the next culinary endeavor.

Beyond the comforting warmth cooking brings to my kitchen, I appreciate the opportunity it affords me to connect with others. Sharing a meal with friends, family, and community is a joy, one that few other experiences can replicate. And I’d be willing to bet that many of us have fond memories associated with food as well.

When I was younger, my mom designated me the holiday dessert-maker. She’d show me what to do, and then I’d spend the day before a holiday helping her bake up whatever goodies we’d planned. Favorites included a pumpkin-shaped carrot cake and star-shaped sugar cookies stacked to create Christmas trees, complete with powdered sugar “snow” on top. That tradition continued even after I moved out on my own; I’d still go home the evening before a holiday to bake and chat.

I hold on to those memories dearly, and I now have a lifelong affection for baking — and eating the delicious results. I also fondly remember the meal my husband made for me on our first date, and going to my grandma’s house for warm cookies and her Chicken and Rice Casserole. I recall late-night pizza with friends, and catching up over coffee and muffins. Food brings people together, and that’s truly a lovely thing.

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