Living an Off-Grid Lifestyle: 6 Things to Consider

Achieve an off-grid lifestyle by carefully considering such needs as proper shelter, power sourcing, and waste management.

Reader Contribution by Elena Smith
Published on August 10, 2020
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by AdobeStock/Evan
Achieve an off-grid lifestyle by carefully considering such needs as proper shelter, power sourcing, and waste management.

Living an off-grid lifestyle is more than just a trend, it’s becoming an increasingly popular way of life.

Part of the appeal of living off-grid is reducing dependence on outside sources and relying upon oneself for food, shelter, and utilities. The off-grid living is also less expensive, sustainable and reduces our carbon footprint on the earth.

However, there are several things to consider before you embrace an off-grid lifestyle.

1. Off-Grid Shelter

Having a safe, dry place to live is essential for any type of lifestyle. Many people begin their journey of off-grid living in a tent, but soon fabricate a more permanent structure for shelter and security.

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