How to Process a Chicken at Home Off The Grid

7 Things I Learned Processing Chickens Off The Grid

Reader Contribution by Sarita Harbour
Published on September 14, 2020
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by Unsplash/Hayley Ryczek

Learn how to process a chicken at home and discover what I learned and what you should know before your first off grid chicken butchering day.

When we decided to get 20 meat chickens this past spring, I knew that meant we would soon learn a new self-reliance skill: chicken processing.

Although we’ve cleaned fish and small game, butchering chickens, then cleaning and prepping them for the freezer is different. There are more of them to process all at once, for one thing. Plus we were doing this outdoors from our off grid homestead in Canada’s subarctic Northwest Territories.

If you’re considering getting meat chickens for your own off grid homestead, use these tips to help things go more smoothly.

1. Get Help From An Experienced Off Grid Homesteader

While much has been written about processing chickens in general, my online research didn’t yield much about processing chickens off the grid. This puzzled me. Was it because it doesn’t really matter whether you have access to power or not? Or just because off grid homesteaders are generally too busy surviving to have time to write about it?

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