Rocking Chair Days

Reader Contribution by Connie Moore
Published on September 8, 2015
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Every home should have a rocking chair. My first piece of furniture purchased with my first real paycheck 45 years ago was a rocking chair. It came from Burns Furniture Store in Crystal Lakes, Ohio.

It was part of my life for 35 years. If it could have spoken, it would have told of days and nights of rocking a baby boy, grandmothers cuddling toddlers while reading stories, visitors who sighed as they sank in its depths of comfort.

In its arms, conversations abounded, tears flowed freely and laughter just as freely, as years wore smooth the rockers and arms. As other pieces of furniture came and went, it was the one firmly established piece of home that endured. It moved from spot to spot as the family grew. It is in many family photos, holding precious lives and memories.

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