I Read Dead People – Part 1

Reader Contribution by Alexandra Reel
Published on July 23, 2012

(Advance Warning:  For some reason, every single time I tried to upload pictures to this blog post, my computer REFUSED to let me.  And everyone knows that a book without pictures is a boring read!  So, read on if you dare….  Sorry.)


I have a secret.

I read dead people.

Their books I mean.  It’s a dangerous habit though.  You know why?  Because, in doing so, you just might learn something.  Such as this:

Around 380 BC the Greek philosopher Plato, student of Socrates, wrote a book called, The Republic.  It is considered to be one of the great works of Western Philosophy.  Worth the time to read.  Seriously.  (Although, I’ll shamefully admit that I tried to re-read it recently and, after four kids, it was somewhat more difficult than I remembered it being the first times through!)

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