Raise Cattle on Small Acreage

Learn how you can grow and maintain your cattle herd from the ground up from selecting a bull to weaning calves.

By Ashleigh Krispense
Updated on June 29, 2022
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by AdobeStock/nickalbi

From when to breed heifers to weaning calves, learn how to raise cattle on small acreage to grow your cattle herd from the ground up.

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On a mid-February afternoon – sunny and chilly, with a slight breeze rustling through the tall bluestem grass – Kansas rancher Kordell Krispense’s pasture has become a nursery to the many tiny black calves scattered across the land. He’d been there earlier that day, but Kordell finds that there’s already been a handful of newborn calves added to the herd. Some are fresh enough to still be lying down in the tall grass, while others are standing upright on wobbly legs, looking for their next meal.

As the shrill call of the cattle siren dies away, cows eagerly make their way toward Kordell’s truck. He opens bags of range cubes, and the slightly sweet aroma fills the air. The cubes provide extra protein in lieu of the dying grass. After spreading the cubes in a long line, Kordell counts to see if the cows are all present. Typically, if a cow is missing from the herd, she’s gone away to have a calf. When his count comes up short by one, he begins to scour the pasture for the missing cow.

black angus bull standing on grass facing forward

He finds the new mama nestled in a cluster of bluestem grass toward the far edge of the pasture. Cautiously edging closer, he sees a small black head appear from behind the grass. With an ear-tagger in one hand and an already-marked tag in the other, he reaches the calf just in time to clip the tag into its ear before the mama starts nosing toward him.

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