Livestock Guardian Donkeys

By Sue Weaver
Published on April 26, 2019
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Photo by Pixabay/WenPhotos

Donkeys as Livestock Guardians

On guard! Some of you probably picked up this book because you’re thinking about getting a livestock guardian for your sheep, goats, alpacas, Miniature horses or donkeys, or some other type of small livestock. You’re wondering if a guardian donkey would fill your needs — and the answer is a qualified “maybe.”

If you keep small livestock, predation is an issue. According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service, in 1999 alone some 273,000 lambs and sheep were killed by predators to a monetary tune of $16,502,000. At least 165,800 of these unfortunates were dispatched by coyotes, a species now found in burgeoning numbers throughout the 48 continental United States and in every Canadian province. Another 41,300 were killed by dogs. Combined, coyotes and dogs account for more than 75 percent of the sheep predation in America. Donkeys are effective against both species, but not all donkeys will protect another species. Selecting the right donkey is important.

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