White Christmas Magic In Kansas 2009

Reader Contribution by Hank Will and Editor-In-Chief
Published on December 29, 2009
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<p>I got my wish. We had a white Christmas down at the Osage County, Kansas farm. The ice pellets that I drove home in on Christmas Eve turned into snow by supper time. The wind howled, first from the north and then from the west. The cedars to the north and west of the house protected us from the bitter brunt and contributed to the substantial drifts that greeted me on Christmas morning. It was a glorious morning &ndash; still blowing and still snowing.</p>

<p>In spite of the wind and cold, it was a lovely white Christmas morning and I thought it fitting to celebrate by giving the animals an extra ration of feed and tossing an extra 1500-pound round bale of hay to the hogs &ndash; how they love to tear those bales apart, eating and sleeping the day away. I also figured the white Christmas chores would be a lot easier to complete if I didn&rsquo;t need to trudge through knee-deep drifts, and the footing would be firmer if I bladed and shoveled out the gates. So I decided to trade the loader-equipped Kubota tractor&rsquo;s utility bucket for the purpose-built snow-bucket. I&rsquo;d need the tractor later to move big round bales of hay &ndash; so there wouldn&rsquo;t be any harm in pushing a little snow first, right?</p>

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