The Sights of Silence

Reader Contribution by Mountain Woman
Published on July 16, 2010
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Mountain Man can tell you I love to talk. Chatter is really a more appropriate description. Kind of like a magpie who can go on and on and on. When I finally see Mountain Man’s eyes glaze over and hear his “Yes Dears” become more frequent, then I know I’ve exhausted even his most patient listening capabilities.

And, my chatter isn’t limited to Mountain Man. I gab away to the horses and the dogs and let’s be honest, even to myself.

Lately I’ve been experiencing writer’s block.  I sit down to write every day, fingers poised above the keyboard waiting for some words to flow, but what I write is worthy only of the delete button.

What happens when a writer can’t write? And, why can’t I write because I sure can talk? What to do? Where to go?

As I always do when I’m in need of answers, I wandered Red Pine Mountain where we are now enjoying beautiful summer days. Perhaps if you’ve never lived in a harsh winter climate, you don’t realize how fleeting summer time can be. When July rolls around, we, who live in this winter pararadise, are already marking the days on the calendar until the the first frost.

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