From the September/October 2017 issue:
Follow the mouse icon to articles related to this issue’s content.
Practicality of the Pressure Canner
Make the pressure canner your ally in the kitchen for year-round food preservation.
Chainsaw Binding
Consider the physics, and prevent chainsaw binding while in the woods.
Avoiding Widowmakers
Work safely in the woodlot when cutting wood and dealing with widowmakers.
Growing Hops
Firsthand advice on growing hops on a small scale, and maybe even making some money at it.
Inside Look at a Hatchery
See what goes into getting your peeping baby chicks via USPS.
Soil Analysis for Gardeners
From simple DIY tests to more extensive soil analysis, a multitude of resources exist that will boost your vegetable garden’s bounty from one year to the next.
Food Plots for Hunters
Cultivate food plot seed for attracting deer and other wildlife for hunting.
Raising Turkeys
Make your next poultry-keeping project raising turkeys.
Our View
First-time Fatherhood
Mail Call
Hay for Horses, ‘V’ is for…Vegetable?, Rural Insights, Hauling Wood, Homegrown Produce, Cleaning Cast Iron, Have a Heart, Fishing Line Keeps Deer Out, Relatable Memories
Friends & Neighbors
Movable DIY Rabbit Hutch Ideas & Building a Cellar Out of Recycled Septic Tank, from our friends at Farm Show.
GRIT Gazette: Hometown Buzz
Apple Tasting at Monticello
Grassfed Exchange Conference
Better Biodiversity
Organic Gardening Course
Earthworms for Vermicompost
Gazette: Sheep Genetics Expanding in the US
Sheep breeders in the U.S. expanding gene pools in their sheep herds.
Comfort Foods: Recipes With Bacon
Add the delicious flavor of bacon to your favorite dishes.
Recipe Box: Recipes for Colorful Canned Tomatoes
Line your pantry shelves with a rainbow of recipes for canned tomatoes.
American Heirlooms: Saving Heirloom Collards
Heirloom collards are harder to find than you might expect. Thanks to the efforts of the newly formed Heirloom Collard Project, seeds are being documented and protected by small companies and home gardeners alike.
In the Wild: Mourning Dove
Fascinating facts about doves that you may have never known about one of rural North America’s fastest flyers.
In the Shop: DIY Picnic Table Plans
Build a classic farm-style picnic table.
Sow Hoe: Get In On Onions
Introduce onions to your garden crop lineup for an interesting, rewarding season.
Looking Back: Rulers of the Roost
The poultry population often called the shots at chore time.