Jean and the Blogosphere

By Jean Teller and Sr. Assoc. Editor
Published on February 5, 2009
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Last July, when GRIT launched its new website, and writing a blog was added to our editorial duties, my little heart skipped a beat.

Me, write a blog? No way!

My cyberspace experience was limited to online searches, both personal and for work, and reading a few fan message forums. I’d even managed to post on those forums once or twice, but I was still fairly leery of the whole process. To say the least, I was a complete novice. Although, my friend and colleague Jenn Nemec told me then and continues to tell me that I know more than I think I do, and sometimes I even believe her.

Then came The Open Book, and how my life has changed!

Nowadays, my first task at work (after turning on the computer) is to check the latest posts from our great Grit bloggers, then go through the list of blogs I’ve built up since July and visit for a while.

Several of our familiar voices leave comments on my posts. You’ll notice that Cindy (A Lakeside View), Lori (News from the Nest in Rural Pennsylvania) and Debbie (As My Garden Grows) often comment. And now, Fiona (Homesteading Tales from Rowangarth Farm) has joined the fray. Many thanks for your input and encouragement, gang.

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