I'll Tell You A Secret: Conquering Fears

Reader Contribution by Mountain Woman
Published on July 8, 2011
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Do you have a secret fear?  Does it have to do with animals?  Are you afraid if you tell anyone they’ll think your silly?  Then perhaps this post is for you.

Here’s my secret. I’m terrified of geese. No, I don’t dislike them.  I’m just plain terrified of them.  Show me a goose and I’ll start heading in the other direction as quickly as possible.  How did this fear start?  Want to learn how I conquered it?  Then grab a cup of coffee, and I’ll tell you how I got over my fear.

As a 4 year old, I used to love going to the park to feed the geese and the ducks with my Dad. I was animal crazy even back then, and in my 4 year old world, all animals loved me as much as I loved them. I was fearless of running up to geese who were almost my size. Until one day.

As I approached the water, I was excited to see some adorable baby goslings. Oh, I wanted to pet them, hug them, show them how much I loved them. 

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