Greener Pastures

Reader Contribution by Christine Byrne
Published on March 27, 2012
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The weather this year has been incredible. No sooner than I spread the seed in the east pasture it started to sprout.

And every spring bulb and shrub is blooming a full month or so ahead of schedule. I am normally still in the planning phase of gardening, but instead we spent part of the weekend pulling weeds in the raised beds and spreading compost. In March. In Indiana. The frost date around here is, like what, May?

I feel like we’ve been sprinting to catch up with spring. The rest of the weekend we spent cleaning out the barn and coop, both major operations. Now if visitors stop by I feel I should take them there since both places are far cleaner than the inside of the house.

Next on the ever exapanding to-do list is shearing. I always aim to shear between the last frost and the first fly. This year that came and went with a blink of an eye and I probably missed it. My Shetland ewes have started to shed. Looks like it will be a good year to roo them, a primitive method of pulling their fleece off instead of using shears.

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