Escape to Eureka Springs

By Jean Teller and Sr. Assoc. Editor
Published on October 30, 2008
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Known as the City that Water Built, Eureka Springs is a quaint, charming tourist destination in northwest Arkansas. A family trip recently took me to its city limits for a delightful getaway. In fact, I’m having difficulty getting back into the swing of the normal routine, and I’m blaming it on traveling!

A bed and breakfast known as Cliff Cottage was our destination. The others in our party – my mom, two of her sisters, a cousin and one of my sisters – all arrived at the Kansas City airport Thursday afternoon. I met the others at their respective terminals, and we all tromped over to the rental company, picked up a van and we were off.

Driving south from Kansas City offered a view of some spectacular Missouri landscape, although we were hoping for a bit more color in the fall foliage. It’s a straight shot from KC to Joplin, where we stayed Thursday night. Heading south and east from Joplin was fairly straightforward until close to the Arkansas border when the road began to curve. From then on, it was mountain driving.

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