Chicken Coop 101

Reader Contribution by Staci Ducharme
Published on March 31, 2011
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You can make a chicken coop from just about anything.  I’ve seen rabbit hutches, tool sheds, and portions of barns converted into chicken coops.  If you’re lucky enough to start from scratch, or your able to remodel an existing structure, there’s a few things we’ve learned you might want to take into consideration.

The photo above of the little red shed was the existing chicken coop and tiny outdoor run when we purchased our farm house.  We knew we wanted to build a new, larger coop and run, and had hoped to do so prior to bringing chickens home.  It didn’t happen as planned and I am now very thankful.  We learned a lot while using this small coop that wouldn’t have have crossed our minds if we hadn’t.  The girls and handsome Mr. Clyde lived there for about 3 months before the new coop was built.

As a start, regarding the size of your coop, the general number seems to be 3 feet to every chicken. (Our coop is 8 foot by 10 foot and around 8 foot tall.) Remember to also keep in mind you want a roost area, feeding area and egg laying area.  Think through the feeding area, because if it’s too close to the roost area you’ll end up with feeders full of manure. 

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