Bee Starvation – Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Reader Contribution by Wendy Slatt
Published on February 29, 2012
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We learned a hard lesson on the farm here last week, one I feel is worth sharing in the hopes that others might learn from it.  We lost our entire colony of bees due to starvation.

This year in South Carolina, we’ve had a very mild winter.  I’m hard-pressed to even call it winter, it’s been so warm.  Several times, I’ve spent the day with the windows thrown wide open, and I know there was at least one time in January that the children and I were running around in shorts.  No matter how long I live here, I’ll never get used to it.  In my mind, winter is supposed to be all about bundling up, scarves and mittens, sitting near the fire with a hot cuppa in your hands, and getting your outside chores done as quick as you can to get back inside.  But here we are building greenhouses, tilling gardens, repairing fences, starting seeds and being excited about the progress of our garlic bed.

But the blessing of warmer temperatures had a consequence we didn’t anticipate.  Just a day or two before, we were both sure we’d seen bees coming in and out as usual, but on Thursday morning there was no activity to be seen and no buzzing to be heard.  We opened it up and found all the bees dead.

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