I’ve been taking a break from blogging but I’m back and ready to start afresh. And what better way to begin than to look back at a few of the highlights from our past year.
New Year’s 2010 found us in the Ozark working on our ranch getting it ready for resale. Mountain Man worked diligently on the house.
I tried to make the best of it but I was homesick for our mountain and in February, we returned to Vermont. My spirits soared once again.
Spring brought lots of changes to our farm. Mini horses arrived.
And mini donkeys.
In May, while Mountain Man was away, a bear decided to visit. As he attempted to enter the house and all my various methods of scaring him away failed, I learned what it’s like to be scared.
In June, chicks, guineas and turkeys joined our farm.
I planted my garden and hoped for exhibition size pumpkins but when July arrived and my pumpkins still hadn’t appeared, I learned all about the birds and the bees of the plant world. I decided to help the process along and soon had baby pumpkins.
In the fall, I wandered our woods with my beloved dogs admiring the beauty of a Vermont autumn.
But fall was not a happy time for us. Our beloved 15 year old golden retriever was diagnosed with bone cancer and we prepared to say goodbye. He is forever in our hearts.
In December, I found our very first egg in the coop. Oh, the thrill of that egg!
And our first egg was a very special one indeed because that same night our first grandchild, Elizabeth, was born.
Throughout the year, Mountain Man was hard at work. Whether restoring the old barn
Or knee deep in other projects.
2010: a year of loss and a year of joy. Every day filled with wonder and enchantment. Life is ephemeral and each moment a gift. And while I know we will face challenges in the year ahead, I resolve to treasure that which is around me and to dwell in the beauty of the daily routine that is our life on Red Pine Mountain farm.
Thanks for visiting us. I wish you a joyous 2011.