Renewable Energy Facts: Harnessing Wind and Solar Power

Convert to renewable energy sources such as wind energy and sun energy.

Reader Contribution by Lois Hoffman
Published on May 16, 2018
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by Adobestock/ABCDstock

Whether we like it or not, change is the name of the game. Nothing ever stays the same and, in today’s world, this is especially true how we meet our energy needs. As governments mandate us to have more and more of our energy come from renewable sources instead of fossil fuels, the emphasis has turned more toward wind and solar power.

Lately, in my neck of the woods, there have been some intense discussions to the pros and cons of putting wind and solar farms on farmland in the area. Most folks are pretty much for or against the development of solar and wind power, there are not too many middle-of-the-roaders on this issue.

I, for one, have long been a proponent of developing both these types of renewable energy. Perhaps the biggest reason for this is because I am definitely against nuclear power.

Yes, it does provide clean energy, as long as there are no accidents. There are 38 operating nuclear plants around the Great Lakes, the world’s largest bodies of fresh water. That alone should be cause for concern.

Facts about Wind and Solar Power

As with anything, there are pros and cons and wind and solar energy are no different. There is also a lot of propaganda out there, both for and against, so it pays to get the facts.

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