Cultivate a Slow Food State of Mind with These Kitchen Practices

Reader Contribution by Sarah Joplin
Published on April 19, 2021
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Photo by Sarah Joplin

Cooking is not only a skill set but also a mindset. Slow food is actually a way of life. I used to be a workaholic with a mild eating disorder. Now I’m a cook-aholic comfortable in a country kitchen with a stocked pantry and meal planning a common train of thought. In the arc of that transition, I’ve learned not only how to cook, but how to plan menus, shop effectively, be my own prep cook and integrate cooking (mostly) from scratch into my day-to-day. What follows are some practical tips to cultivate the cooking state of mind. If I can befriend my kitchen and steadily turn out tasty meals, so can you!

Plan Ahead

Carve out some time to think about breakfast, lunch and dinner for the coming days or even week for you and those you feed. And for goodness sake, don’t forget snacks and dessert! Think up what meals you’ll prepare so that you aren’t caught at the last minute without a meal or get overwhelmed in the preparation process.

Planning ahead allows for eating fresh ingredients instead of resorting to packaged or frozen food. Make a shopping list from your menu planning so that you don’t find yourself running out of items you might use up or lacking special ingredients not in your pantry. Before you go shopping, check your staples and replenish where you are running low. It’s a big disappointment to embark on a recipe only to find that you are out of flour or sugar!

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