Flower Jelly Recipes

By Jacqueline Wilt
Published on June 6, 2017
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Photo by iStockphoto.com/IvoraObrazy
Homemade jelly is easier to make that you might think.

Flower jelly is easy to make, and makes a flavorful addition to the pantry. Almost any edible flower can be made into jelly. Because flowers taste differently, a combination of flowers can be used to produce unique flavors to add to a variety of culinary creations.

I used to think that making jelly was a difficult craft to master, one that took years of practice and experience to perfect. This unwarranted belief has led to years of a pantry devoid of beautiful jewel-colored jars of sweet jelly. Even after learning how easy jelly is to make, the idea of using flowers seemed daunting. However, I’ve since discovered that making flower jelly is simple — and the results are incredible.

When choosing flowers to make jelly, it is important to be certain you properly identify the flower. There are a few flowers that closely resemble each other, and misidentification can lead to a jelly that makes you sick. Select flowers that have not had any chemicals applied to them, and that are fresh and bright in color, without any dead spots. Fresh flowers will produce a jelly that is richer in flavor and color, but if you don’t have access to fresh flowers, dried flowers will work; the color will just not be as attractive. In addition, you may need to use more dried flowers to get the same flavor that fresh flowers yield.

Some examples of flowers that work well in jellies include honeysuckle (sweet, honey-like flavor), common blue violet (sweet flavor), clover (anise or licorice flavor), dandelion (sweet, honey-like flavor), lavender (sweet, slightly citrus flavor), and hibiscus (tart, cranberry-like flavor). You can also use flowers with herbs such as basil, thyme, sage, garlic, or rosemary for interesting flavor combinations.

To make flower jelly, you will need jelly jars, lids, and rings; a large stockpot with a lid, in which to process the filled jars; cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer; tongs for lifting the hot lids and jars from the boiling water; a funnel; a 2-quart or larger heavy-bottom pan; a candy thermometer; a ladle; and labels.

The jars can be any size, but the most common sizes for jelly are 8 ounces and 4 ounces. The jars will need to be sealed if you won’t use the jelly right away. Do not use the old method of sealing the top of the jelly with wax, as this method is susceptible to bacteria and mold growth in the jelly. Instead, always use new sealing lids and clean rings.

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