Delicious Day!

Reader Contribution by Connie Moore
Published on October 19, 2017
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Autumn. Outside a chickadee family is playing tag through the rose of Sharon and poplar trees. Their chattering is of a happy tone. They don’t seem to care about winter concerns on this most gorgeous, delicious of autumn days. They are happy, plain and simple.

Even the raucous blue jay wants to get in on the game. When ignored, he decides to show his prowess by imitating the Cooper’s hawk’s call. For a moment it scatters the small feathered playmates into denser foliage. The jay flies off satisfied with himself; and the little ones come back out to play.

Indoors, the closed laundry door muffles the glug glug of the washer. It’s another load destined for the outdoor clothesline. Fresh autumn air is fine for drying blankets and airing pillows. Sweet scents will permeate our dreams.

Open windows let in copious quantities of extra cool morning air. That’s how we come to hear the wren calling his spring song. He’s not confused, just happy like the chickadees. A mixture of summer and autumn prevails throughout the day. By suppertime, it’s warm enough to grill out.

We find Schmidt’s Bahama Mamas — spiced and smoked sausages — a fine way to celebrate the day. Loaded on a bun with hotdog sauce, chopped onions, relish and cheese, they are tasty fare. Sides are Copey’s coleslaw and potato salad.

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