Power Up With Recycled Cooking Oil

By Letitia L. Star
Published on November 1, 2007
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Letitia Star

The high price of diesel fuel doesn’t bother Henry Brockman: He runs his truck and tractor on recycled vegetable oil – a move that saves him more than $1,000 annually. Brockman, who farms 10 acres in central Illinois, buys his environmentally friendly fuel from a rural neighbor who filters vegetable oil as a hobby.

“It’s great when doing the right thing for the environment also saves money,” he says.

What’s fueling the movement?

Lifestyle farmers can reap plenty of benefits by using biofuels to power diesel vehicles and equipment. In addition to possible cost savings, other advantages include biodegradability and low carbon dioxide exhaust emissions.

Biofuels decrease our nation’s dependence on foreign oil. They also help our national economy because we’re using renewable resources grown or produced right here in the United States.

This issue is so important that the 25 x ’25 Plan, a congressional resolution with bipartisan support, has an ambitious mission: By 2025, America’s farms, forests and ranches will provide 25 percent of our nation’s total energy supply. (To learn more visit, www.25×25.org)

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