5 Things To Do Right Now To Prepare For Canning Season Next year

Reader Contribution by Rachel
Published on December 7, 2017
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Canning is one of those things that homesteaders look forward to each year with excited anticipation and a slight twinge of dread. Nothing beats the quality and the feeling of accomplishment you get from preserving your harvest each year, and that peach cobbler sure is to die for in the frigid depths of January…but it’s such a lot of work, and most of that time spent is in the preparation. With all that happens during the canning season, there are a few things you can do right now to prepare for next season that will make your life a little easier come harvest time. 

Remove the gasket in the lid of your pressure canner and inspect it for cracks or disintegration.

1. Check and replace the gasket on your pressure canner. Remove the gasket from the lid of your pressure canner and look for cracks in the rubber or signs of disintegration. Bad gaskets will affect your canner’s ability to reach and maintain proper pressure while in use. Gaskets should be replaced every two to three years as part of your canner’s maintenance regimen. You can pick one up online or at your local hardware store for around $10 or less.

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