It Helps To Be Organized When You Live In The Country

Reader Contribution by Cheryl In Texas
Published on May 1, 2012
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It helps to be fairly organized when you live in the country…especially if you still have a job in the city and commute every day.  Our drive is actually almost the same distance as we have been driving from the suburb where we were renting.  The drive takes just a little longer because we’re no longer traveling 75 mph on the wide open toll roads. 

I will admit, we had let ourselves lapse into a little bit of laziness at our previous house.  We were tired after work, and would sit down to just chill for a “little bit”.  In actuality, that translates into watching tv and playing on the computer/iPad for most of the evening.  But when you don’t own the home that you’re living in, you don’t spend the time, money and energy in putzing around working on little projects inside and out.  And most of our crafts and wood working materials were still packed away. 

Now that we’re living on our homestead fulltime, there are chores to do when we get home.  But the word chore is a misnomer  because we positively love being outside tending to the garden and working on little projects all around the homestead.  We also really enjoyed observing our bees (but that enterprise took a sad, sad turn – more about that in a future blog).

In getting used to our new routines, we are trying to stay organized and get as much done the night before to make our mornings a little less hectic.  Last night, I got everything ready for my lunch except for my sandwich.  I like to make my sandwich fresh in the morning – it’s just not as good to me after it’s been in the refrigerator all night and then in my lunch cooler half the day.  This morning, I grabbed my containers out of the fridge, made my sandwich and was ready to go!

When you live out in the country, it’s a major ordeal to get one or two items for a meal.  While we can make a pit stop at a store on the way home, it’s not preferred since it seems that everyone else is there too!  Something I have done for a long time (and have fallen in and out of the habit over the last few years), is to make a menu for the week.  I can then make a grocery list based on that menu and in one shopping trip will have everything needed to make a week’s worth of meals.  It also helps eliminate the “what should we have for dinner” conversation every single day.  When we have a plan, we just look at the menu and say, “Okay, tonight we’re having ___” and get busy cooking.

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