A Healthy Diet: What Can I Eat?

Reader Contribution by Lori Dunn
Published on January 28, 2010
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Eat a low fat diet. Reduce your cholesterol. Cut down on your carbs. Watch your sugar. Just what are we supposed to eat? It can all be very confusing. I’m no dietician, but I have become very conscious of what my family and I consume. I have made a new commitment to try and eat as healthy as possible, but what, exactly, is ok? I have spent some time using my favorite resource (the internet) to try and get some answers.

One of the things I found has to do with sugar, and it was actually my husband that stumbled upon it. He accidentally came across a video called “Sugar, The Bitter Truth.” It is by Robert H. Lustig, MD, a UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology (it’s also available on YouTube). It is a bit long, but it was very informative, and I was angry after I watched it! Basically, the doctor explains why sugar, and especially high fructose corn syrup is so bad for us.

I immediately went to my pantry and started reading labels. It is no wonder there is so much type 2 diabetes in this country. Almost everything we consume has had sugar added to it! So how do we get rid of the sugar? It isn’t easy. I don’t think the answer is to just cut sweets from your diet altogether. It would never work, because everyone likes to have a cookie, or cake, or whatever your favorite dessert is. No one can stay away from these goodies forever, so there has to be an alternative, right? I went looking for some.

My first thought for alternative sweeteners of course was the well known brands, Sweet-n-low (saccharin), Equal (aspartame), and Splenda (sucralose).

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