The Lilac Bushes are Blooming!

Reader Contribution by Alexandra Reel
Published on April 3, 2012
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The lilacs are in full bloom here – early, as is everything this spring, but as gorgeous and aromatic as ever. For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved lilacs, and scent memory is a remarkable thing. My grandparents have a row next to their house, which played an important role in my play as a child. I searched in those bushes for everything from hidden Easter eggs to elusive kittens. To this day, the smell of lilac bushes in bloom makes my mind see home dyed eggs and hissing cats.

My grade school had a lilac hedge row that stretched for what seemed to be eternity to my first-grader eyes. We spent hours of recess minutes playing hide-and-seek in them, and racing on foot around them. To this day, the sight of lilac bushes makes my nerves tingle as those of a hiding child waiting to be found, and my lungs burn with sting of running at top speed in the cool air.

But more than anything these days, lilac bushes make me think of my father-in-law.

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