Fall Weather Brings October Eves

Reader Contribution by Elizabeth Furry
Published on October 7, 2009
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“Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, we have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!”

I love this quote by Humbert Wolfe; and no truer statement for our lil corner of the country. The last weekend of September gave us 90 plus degree temperatures and just like magic overnight the winds kicked up and blew in a fall chill. The winds may have been a bit overzealous as yesterday brought our first snow.

It was a very bold reminder that winter is not very far away and that autumn truly is the time to be stocked up and ready. Here at the ranch we had been so busy getting new stalls arranged for the winter boarders that we have still yet to get our woodpile stocked. You should have seen us scrambling for some kindling around here. This week we’ll be heading to the backwoods for a couple cords, nothing says preparedness like the site of a well stacked woodpile just waiting to keep the family warm all winter.

Speaking of being stocked up, the fruit trees were very generous this year in the Carson Valley, which found me with several friends canning day after day. I labored many hours over a hot canner processing peach chutney, peach pie filling, peach jam, apple chutney, apple pie filling, apple butter and apple jelly. What we didn’t can, we froze. And what couldn’t be used went to the horses and chickens; needless to say we had some very happy animals here at the ranch.

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