How to Make Farm Stand Signs

By Carole West
Published on February 8, 2017
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A farm sign should reflect your operation and your own style.
A farm sign should reflect your operation and your own style.
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Garden sign for Bush Early Girl Tomatoes at Ithaca, New York. A creative sign and portal for a pick-your-own operation can entice traffic to stop and shop.
Garden sign for Bush Early Girl Tomatoes at Ithaca, New York. A creative sign and portal for a pick-your-own operation can entice traffic to stop and shop.
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Placing temporary signs at key intersections directing shoppers to your farm is a great way to attract customers from well-travelled roads.
Placing temporary signs at key intersections directing shoppers to your farm is a great way to attract customers from well-travelled roads.
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When I began planning my sign, it made sense to use cedar fence planks because this wood was also incorporated on the walls of the stand.
When I began planning my sign, it made sense to use cedar fence planks because this wood was also incorporated on the walls of the stand.
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Stenciling Tip: Always do a practice letter first before applying to your sign.
Stenciling Tip: Always do a practice letter first before applying to your sign.
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Black letters are highly visible against a white background; legibility is critical.
Black letters are highly visible against a white background; legibility is critical.
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Gritty Farms heirloom tomato stand.
Gritty Farms heirloom tomato stand.

Growing up around farm communities in the Northwest, I always enjoyed country drives during the summer and fall. Roadside markets were plentiful, full of fresh produce, and sales were most often based on the honor system.

Many times I remember skipping from the car to a market stand where a bag of corn or a box of strawberries was exchanged for a couple dollars. For a kid, it was like winning the lottery because you always knew that produce was going to be fantastic.

I dreamed of one day operating one of those farm stands; it’s possible at that young age I was more excited about the idea of creating a stand with a neat sign than actually growing the food to sell.

Later in life, those memories followed and encouraged me to shop at local farmers markets, where a variety of vendors were at your fingertips. Both avenues were filled with nice folks living this natural rural lifestyle that I’d always dreamed about. It was very moving.

Both shopping opportunities offered displays that almost always represented the vendor’s farm or ranch. They represented them with strong branding and marketing, their name, logo, and presentation. Creating a display can sometimes be almost as important as the product. A welcoming appearance can draw in customers and make shopping appealing. It was those personalized spaces with colorful produce and a clean presence that left the best impression.

When I look back and remember those roadside markets, I smile because they were truly the ones that left the best impression. Some of the signs were hand painted, and their stations appeared to be made out of leftover wood, handcrafted for long- and short-term use, and they caught your attention, inviting drivers to stop.

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