Christmas 2018 (Say what?!?)

Reader Contribution by Amanda "mandi" Kemp
Published on January 16, 2018
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I know, you’re thinking that you’ve just finished with this Christmas.  If you’re like me, you feel like you’ve been run over by a sleigh and never want to see another roll of wrapping paper in your life, but now is the time to start planning for Christmas 2018.  The farther ahead you plan, the least likely you are to suffer an epic stress meltdown, not to mention spend unnecessary cash.

Christmas in a Box

First, get yourself a box designated for squirreling away presents. Hide it away somewhere and label it something boring, like “extra linen” or “tax returns and receipts 2000-2004.”  Most likely, your family will be deterred by the label, unless one of them is an over-eager accountant who wants to start an AirBnB.  Start filling the box with inexpensive Christmas presents as you find them all year round. If you find something that someone will like, buy it, then bring it home to put in the box. 

Now is the perfect time to look at the presents you received. Egads! Am I suggesting regifting? Oh, yes, I am!  As a caveat, regifting has to be done with a certain amount of tact and grace.  Make sure you put a label on the present indicating who gave it to you originally.  Nothing could be more embarrassing that giving back a gift or regifting within the same social circle.  Don’t regift the present to an inappropriate recipient.  Regifting that glass vase to your outdoorsman brother-in-law is probably not a good idea, unless he also appreciates fine china.

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