Rainy Days and Fridays

Reader Contribution by Allan Douglas
Published on January 27, 2012
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Call me crazy (many do) but I like rainy days.  There is something comforting about the sound of rain drumming on the roof, and sometimes a rainy day provides me with a much needed excuse to take some time off.  I love settling into my comfy chair next to the fire place on a chilly, rainy day and reading a good book.  Or taking a mug of hot tea to my desk and writing.

Rainy Day Benefits

A gentle soaking rain rejuvenates and nourishes my garden, the grass, the trees… it cleans the air and refreshes everything.  Rainfall replenishes the water tables so our wells don’t dry up.  Only a couple of years ago many of my friends and neighbors experienced the distress of a dry well; having to buy water in jugs and bottles, or lug jugs to someone who still had water for filling.  Experiencing that really makes you appreciate the luxury of nudging a faucet and having a ready supply of fresh water.  Rain does that for us.

I’ll admit that sometimes rain will mess up planned activities; but that’s life.  It happens.  Have a back-up plan.  Or plan ahead.  Just last week I swapped a couple of days: I scheduled Saturday as lumber stacking day and Friday and work-in-the-shop day.  Friday was a nice day, rain was expected on Saturday, so I switched those two; stacking lumber on Friday and working in the shop on Saturday.  It worked out great!

Storms with torrential rains and high winds can be damaging, lightning can be scary, but a gentle rain is – I think – soothing, inspiring, refreshing.

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