Small Actions for a Cleaner Impact

Time to heal from the inside out.

By Dana Benner
Published on December 10, 2024
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by Dana Benner

We are not the supreme and all-knowing beings, living at the top of the pinnacle of evolution, but in fact we are members of the sacred hoop of life, along with the trees and rocks, the coyote and the eagles and fish and toads, that each fulfills its purpose. They each perform their given task in the sacred hoop, and we have one too.

– Abenaki Wolf Song

Watching the seemingly ceaseless parade of weather disasters can make you see the Earth as in a world of hurt. “Tornado alley” or “fire season” no longer apply; record-breaking heat, drought, floods, rising oceans, hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires occur in wider ranges and in longer time frames. Even still, the Earth is pretty resilient. If we allow it, our home planet can balance and heal itself. Look at what happened when human activity shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic: The air cleared after factories closed and cars stayed parked at home. Might we be able to give the Earth a chance to heal, and this time without any damage to human life?

My Native ancestors believed that all things are part of a great circle, each one of us playing a part for the benefit of all. When we disrupt the circle, we get what we have today. In the months and years since pandemic shutdowns, I’ve pondered what’s truly important; for instance, the pursuit of short-term, material wealth or the future of our children and grandchildren. I’ve come to believe that for society to work well, people will need to be much more conscientious about what we do and how we live. But also that deciding to live smarter – living with the Earth, not against it – doesn’t mean forsaking a good life.

The Journey Starts Within

Over the years, I’ve learned we have no control over what other people do. We do, however, have control over what we do. It’s very easy to point the finger at the other person – we all do it at some point – but before we do, how about slowing down and taking a good, hard look at what we’re doing? Our actions, even the small ones, influence others and have lasting effects. I believe the path toward healing both the planet and ourselves starts with this simple step of self-reflection.

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