Mail Call: November/December 2013

By Grit Staff
Published on October 9, 2013
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Potato fruits that were pollinated and made it to fruit.
Potato fruits that were pollinated and made it to fruit.
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Harvesting pole beans. That there is extreme gardening!
Harvesting pole beans. That there is extreme gardening!
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Pollinator Alley on Jill Koos' urban gardening lot.
Pollinator Alley on Jill Koos' urban gardening lot.

Minnesota Sighting  

I can relate with your big cat encounter (“Predators on the Prowl,” May/June). We live in a rural setting in southwest Minnesota, a few miles from South Dakota. Two years ago, in June, my wife and I were enjoying the evening on our patio at about 9 o’clock. A soybean field was between us and the township road running by our driveway. The beans were about 10 inches tall, and the corn on the other side of the road was above the waist. We saw what we thought was a whitetail deer cross the road from the corn to the bean field. Then it dropped down in the beans. Very strange, we thought. After a few minutes, we agreed it was strange for a deer to do that.

My wife suggested we walk down there, she in her pajamas. I offered to drive down with the car. Before I could leave the yard with the car, the creature vanished back to the corn field. After parking the car, we looked at each other with amazement and agreed it was indeed a large brown cat.

The ground was dry and hard, so I could not find tracks. The animal was more the 2 feet tall and of the proper color. That year we heard of other sightings in our area, but nothing since. There are several beef cow-calf operations in our area. We have not heard of anyone reporting any lost calves, but then I’m sure they would not expect a large predator. Our deer population is half what it was eight years ago, and the coyote numbers are way down. We are not sure if the cats are expanding their territory east from the Black Hills or if the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is releasing them here for who knows what reason.

Dave Meiners
Pipestone County, Minnesota

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