How to Have a More Fulfilling Christmas

Reader Contribution by Jamie Cearley and Phd
Published on December 16, 2016
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What if I told you that you were getting ripped off during Christmastime? A little abrasive I know, but many fall for a make-believe form of the holidays that leaves their emotions and their wallets hollow on December 26th.

Try these 8 actions to ward off those who would leave you feeling slighted come January, and have a marvelous, merry Christmas indeed.

1. Determine you will not go into debt for presents. The pressure of our materialistic society can be crushing at Christmas. The marketers are relentless in their quest. If only they would leave kids out of the equation, then maybe we would stand a chance. But no, children are the focus of their efforts. Indeed, Santa’s elves are no more than creditors in cute disguises with squeaky voices. How can you escape this pressure? Here are just a few strategies to help:

• Set a budget early on. Determine how much you have to spend on Christmas and stick to it.

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