How To Build A Heart

Reader Contribution by Alexandra Reel
Published on April 27, 2012
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I vividly remember kneeling in church the day before Easter, eight years ago, in a church in my husband’s small home town. I was distracted, gazing at the engagement ring that had been placed on my finger only a few days before. A simple thin gold band and modestly sized diamond solitaire – humble, though to me it shone with brilliance because it was exactly what I wanted (both literally and figuratively.) 

The vision of that moment took my breath away this year, on Good Friday. In prayer and commemoration of Jesus’ sacrifice and death on the cross I found myself sitting in the same church, the same pew, eight years later. I gazed at my hand – the same hand and the same ring, both slowly beginning to show signs of age – intertwined in the hand of my mother-in-law as we wept together over the loss of my father-in-law, her husband.

I’m sure you’re wondering what in the world this has to do with rural living – but it does, just wait for it. As I eluded to above, we celebrated Easter this year by going to church in the morning with my husband’s family and then spending the rest of the day at the funeral home celebrating the life and mourning the loss of his father. The number of people who gave up time on Easter to come offer their sympathy and condolences during the duration of the visitation was incredible – and the packed church at the funeral the next morning was a testament to a life that touched many.

I wrote previously about my father-in-law’s last days; he was diagnosed with his third round of cancer and passed away a shocking four days later. Walking through the process of dying, grieving, funeral and more grieving during the Easter season provided vivid reflections on the meanings of life and death. (Thankfully I have cultivated a dignified demeanor that remains graceful even in extremes of grief and suffering – such as today when I hid in the bathroom and sobbed while I ate an entire chocolate rabbit. Yes, I am a model of nobility.)

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