Train Your Children to Be Productive

By Jenny Underwood
Updated on December 13, 2021
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Jenny Underwood

The author’s 2-year-old learns to be productive in small steps.
Photo by Jenny Underwood

We have four kids, ages 10, 8, 4 and 2. Life is busy! And it would be so easy to follow the culture and just keep my kids constantly entertained. But I know this isn’t good for them, me, or their future families. (Yes, I’m already thinking about that.) So what’s a mom and dad to do? We all know that none of us have loads of extra time.

Can Children Really Entertain Themselves?

I’ve heard this statement and it’s actually a good thing — to a certain extent. Can your kids entertain themselves independently or can they entertain themselves by loading up a video game, a movie, or getting into trouble? If the latter is the case, you need to rethink your strategy.

Instead of resorting to digital entertainment, can they come up with creative and constructive (not destructive) ways to spend their time? This is where mom and dad come in.

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