Getting Back to the Basics

Reader Contribution by Brenda Kipp
Published on January 16, 2009

Like most people around the country, I’m trying to find ways to cut back on expenses. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been looking at my budget trying to find ways I can trim it down. I also got on the Internet to do research on how to save money, pay down debts and manage my finances.

I’ve found that there are things I thought I couldn’t live without that I’ve managed to give up. It’s amazing what a person can live without when it be comes necessary (needing to buy a new car did it for me).

I decided since I wasn’t watching that much TV anymore, I’d not only get rid of the channels I wasn’t watching, I’d give up my DVR as well. That was a hard decision. I loved my DVR. Anyone who has one can tell you how much better they are than a VCR. It’ll be hard going back to the dark ages and relearn how to program my VCR, not to mention being unable to pause and rewind live TV, but I’ll survive.

Another thing I decided to cut back on is my hair color. I’ve had it professionally colored for more than 10 years. I began having my color done at the beauty salon because I didn’t want my color to look like it was from a bottle. Also, it just seemed easier to have it done the same time I got my hair cut and I didn’t want to deal with the mess myself. I haven’t quite decided whether to try to do the color myself, or just let my hair go natural. Would that be so bad? Would people think less of me because I had gray hair? I don’t think so.

I’ve always been a bargain hunter, trying to get the best value I can for a product, but I’ve really had to hone my skills in that department recently. I switched grocery stores, so I can save money on groceries. Besides, the store is closer to work, so I’m saving on gas, too.

Speaking of gas, getting a newer car has helped me save on gas just in the short time I’ve had it. Not only is it a more fuel efficient car, I’ve found that filling the gas tank when it gets down to a half a tank helps me budget better for gas. Although I couldn’t afford a new car, I was able to benefit from the sagging economy and get a great deal that I probably wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.

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