Wildlife Management for Your Homestead

By Tim Nephew
Published on December 9, 2014
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A food plot for wildlife management, like this field of clover, brings joy to observers.
A food plot for wildlife management, like this field of clover, brings joy to observers.
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Gritty on the tractor.
Gritty on the tractor.
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Disking is one option to get rid of weeds and scrub brush for a wildlife food plot and for those who don’t wish to use chemicals.
Disking is one option to get rid of weeds and scrub brush for a wildlife food plot and for those who don’t wish to use chemicals.
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Burning grass helps clear the way for some food plot varieties like sorghum and beans.
Burning grass helps clear the way for some food plot varieties like sorghum and beans.
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Establishing a permanent water source will irrigate surrounding plant life while attracting animals. Mallard drakes are a favorite target of duck hunters throughout the United States.
Establishing a permanent water source will irrigate surrounding plant life while attracting animals. Mallard drakes are a favorite target of duck hunters throughout the United States.
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A covey of bobwhite quail stop for water – a crucial element to attract wildlife.
A covey of bobwhite quail stop for water – a crucial element to attract wildlife.
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Lush foliage and cover makes for a nice food plot for deer. This will entice deer to hang around, which makes for better hunting grounds.
Lush foliage and cover makes for a nice food plot for deer. This will entice deer to hang around, which makes for better hunting grounds.
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Upland game birds are beautiful to watch. The spruce grouse inhabits coniferous forests in much of Canada and the northern United States.
Upland game birds are beautiful to watch. The spruce grouse inhabits coniferous forests in much of Canada and the northern United States.

Managing your land for wildlife can provide you with an opportunity to increase the carrying capacity and concentration of wildlife on your property. Whether your passion is hunting, photography or simply observing nature, there are several things you can do — without spending a lot of money — that will make your land more attractive to everything from butterflies to whitetail deer.

Providing nourishment

To make your property more attractive to wildlife, there are several different components that need to be addressed. One of the most common practices is to create food plots, an excellent way to provide a supplemental food source for wildlife. Food plots are definitely a piece to the puzzle, but without good natural habitat providing suitable shelter, food and water, you may be wasting your time and money.

The popularity of food plots has increased dramatically over the last 10 or 15 years. New companies are dedicated to providing seed, equipment and implements to help establish and maintain food plots. Hunting and rural lifestyle magazines are a good source of information on products that will help turn an old worn-out hayfield into a wildlife mecca.

While it may sound like establishing a food plot will be expensive, depending on your goals and the types of food plots you want to develop, costs can be relatively inexpensive. It would also provide an opportunity for a family or community project.


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