Wasted chicken feed drives me nuts and I was determined to build a better feeder than those commercially available. After much research, contemplating dozens of designs and several iterations of my own, I am now happy with my feeder. There are no longer piles of wasted grain on the floor, which makes me, my chickens and my feed budget happy. I made my feeder, and you can make one too, for approximately $12.00 and in 20 minutes or less.
This is the finished feeder in my “Little Deuce Coop.”
-A PVC pipe or irrigation tubing, cut to the length that will fit your chosen location. (I used a 4″ wide pipe for the feed and a smaller one for the oyster shell, various sizes will work)
-A PVC pipe cap for the top. (I used a 4″ cap, found in plumbing section of Home Depot)
-a piece of scrap wood
-extra long zip ties
-3 screws
-3 washers
High corner litter pan:
Drill four holes in the pipe, two on each side where they will align with holes in stud. (see photo above)
Drill two holes through the stud at measured increments that mirror the holes in the pipe. ( photo below)
Mark where the “feed dish” will be mounted. The pipe should sit approximately 1/4″-1/2″ above the bottom of the feed dish. If the dish is too close to the bottom of the pipe, the feed will not flow out into the dish.
Secure the scrap piece of wood to the stud with screws and washers. (as shown below).
For an oyster shell or grit dispenser:
pre-drill one hole in a pipe cap. Cap should be two inches wider than the pipe.
Secure the pipe cap to the stud with a screw and washer.
For a feed dispenser using a corner litter pan for feed:
pre-drill two holes in the back of the litter pan where it will mount to the stud. Space them so that the washers align one above the other.
Secure the corner litter pan to the stud with screws and washers.
Thread a zip tie through the two holes in the pipe and then the two holes in the stud and secure the zip tie to itself. Do the same for the second set of holes in the pipe and stud.
The finished oyster shell dispenser:
The finished feeder:
I cap my feeders with a PVC cap.
I invite you to join me on my blog, The Chicken Chick for more chicken-keeping information, tips, photos and DIY projects with a splash of creativity!
JOIN me on FACEBOOK: The Chicken Chick at Egg Carton Labels by ADozenGirlz