How to Care for Chickens in Winter

From cozy coops to immune system boosts.

Reader Contribution by Rhonda Crank
Updated on September 28, 2023
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Consider these useful tips and tricks to help your chickens in winter.

With the coming of fall, farmsteaders focus on preserving the harvest, putting the spring garden to bed, and laying in firewood, in addition to all the many other preparations that have to be done for winter. Based on the actions of the critters here on the farm, I believe it’s going to be a really cold winter. Are you ready? Have you made the preparations your animals need you to make? I often let the cold weather sneak up on me without being ready, but this year, I’m almost finished with all the preparations needed. All that’s left are the chicken preparations!

Keep a Cozy Coop

The first thing I do is take a look at my chicken coop. If the roof leaks, I fix it; of course, I use this term loosely, as I really mean my husband fixes it and I help. If there are problems with other critters getting in the yard or the coop, now’s the time to make those repairs too.

Remember, your coop shouldn’t be airtight, especially if you have a larger flock. Moisture is left in the air inside your coop from chicken manure, urine, respirations and body heat. Methane gas also needs a way to escape; I have ventilation at both ends of the coop roof to accomplish these things. When nighttime temperatures start to hit the 40s consistently, I put black garbage bags over the doors of my coop, since they are covered with rabbit wire for extra ventilation in the spring and summer.

Next, I use a pressure washer to clean out the coop and squirt the roost with hydrogen peroxide. I also put extra hay in the nesting boxes and under the roost. There are two reasons I put hay under the roost:

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