6 Ways Everyone Can Help the Bees

Reader Contribution by Melissa Caughey
Published on September 19, 2013
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miroslavmisiura - stock.adobe.co
bee gathers the flower. Under rays of sun

Even if you don’t keep bees, you can certainly help them in and around your yard. There are little steps that make a huge difference in these tiny workers’ lives. In fact, it can even help your gardens and yard to grow and thrive by allowing not only the bees but other beneficial bugs, butterflies and other pollinators to safely live in their environments.


By removing natural fields and weeds and replacing them with lush, green, weed -free lawns, we have removed vast amounts of land where honeybees thrived. If possible, allow the meadows to return. Clover is one of the honeybee’s favorite flowers and it readily grows in the healthiest of lawns. Why not consider letting your lawn grow patches of clover and let it bloom?  Dandelions are also a springtime favorite of theirs too. Dandelions tell them that warmer weather is arriving. Often the dandelions are the first blooms upon which they feed after a long winter contained in their hives.

urban greening, nature in town, colorful mixture of wild summer meadow flowers on the roadside…


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