The Love of Bees

By Doug Fulbright
Published on March 12, 2009
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What?!? Love bees, are you crazy, how can you love a bee that stings? Those of us who keep bees are considered kind of different. But let me say that there is no bee like the honeybee. Bees produce many products for us and they stir within us a deep appreciation for the undying love they have for the colony. An individual bee will only live 3 to 4 weeks in the summer and work herself literally to death for the rest of the colony. She will make honey she will never eat. She is tireless in her work. If we could only emulate a small part of her character in our lives. Mankind does not benefit from any other insect more than we do from the honeybee. The honeybee colony pollinates our crops, which gives us more food from the field. She turns nectar from the flower into honey, she turns honey into beeswax, and we also use other products from the hive. Just think how the pioneers benefited from honey for food, a great sweetener and ingredient in cooking, beeswax for candles, waterproofing and sealing their canned vegetables. We love the honeybee because she does so much for us and we also enjoy the Art of Keeping Bees. We beekeepers love to talk about bees and this is why I am sharing with you my time with the bees. Come aboard and join the fascinating world of the Honeybee! Bee careful you might just catch bee fever!

Hi y’all, greetings from the Ozarks of Missouri, I’m glad to be here. The purpose of this blog is to inform and share with you the Art of Beekeeping. It is an art because there is no specific way to do it, each beekeeper has his or her own way of doing things and his/her own ideas about how to manage the bees, hopefully the outcome will be healthy bees and a good honey crop.

I am not an expert. I haven’t had bees in quite some time, but I have kept up with what has been going on in the beekeeping world and I have done a lot of reading and common sense thinking.

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