Selling Soap: Why I Agreed to Go to a Bar

Reader Contribution by Lisa Doucette
Published on June 1, 2011
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Most of you probably don’t know this and probably don’t care, but we are Wesleyans. You’re probably thinking HUH? What’s that. That’s the church we go to, the Wesleyan church.

One of our beliefs is to abstain from alcohol. So why oh why would I want to go to a bar?

Welllllll … it came to my attention in the local paper that this bar was having a Ladies Nite! Good place to sell SOAP! Wouldn’t you say? Well really it was a good place. Dave and I went, and even though it wasn’t busy we sold over $100 worth of soap!

We have two new scents, Lavender (with or without lavender petals), and Patchouli. I named the Lavender one “Lavender Dreams” and the patchouli one “Holy Patchouli!” Because Holy Patchouli! that scent is strong! They’re not very original, but oh well.

Our business cards came in the day before Ladies Nite. They came in handy.

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