How to Make Homemade Saddle Soap

Wondering how to make homemade saddle soap? We've got the perfect recipe for you. Homemade saddle cleaner isn't hard to make, and it helps to cleanse and moisturize many leather goods.

By Susan Verberg
Updated on November 23, 2022
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by AdobeStock/leekris

Wondering how to make homemade saddle soap? We’ve got the perfect recipe for you. Homemade saddle cleaner isn’t hard to make, and it helps to cleanse and moisturize many leather goods.

Not just for cleaning saddles, saddle soap is specifically meant for cleaning and preserving all sorts of leather. Without occasional maintenance, leather will crack and warp as it dries out — whereas well-kept horse tack, knife sheaths, boots, leather armor, and more, will remain strong and supple. And while it’s referred to as “soap,” saddle soap is technically both a soap and a cream: It contains a cleaning agent to remove dirt and grime, plus emollient oils that work to preserve and condition the leather and even add some waterproofing.

How to Make Homemade Saddle Soap


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