Self-reliance and Simplicity: Weird or Interesting?

By Susy
Published on March 11, 2010
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Most of my friends either tell me I’m the weirdest or the most interesting person they know. Why? Because I grow some of my own food, collect rain water, keep bees in my backyard, shop at farmers’ markets, buy raw milk and make everything from scratch (I mean everything, even crackers, oh yeah and maple syrup).

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Susy and I’m one of the new writers here at GRIT. I blog about organic gardening, growing food, preserving food, beekeeping, eating locally and other related topics over at ChiotsRun and check out my Flickr photostream for images of my newest escapades.

I live here at Chiot’s Run with; my husband – Mr Chiots, my dog Lucy the garden namesake and our 3 cats that also help make our house a home – Samson, Soafie and Dexter. We live on a small lot (1/4 acre) in a development that’s kind of rural but we still have a HOA.

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