Free-Ranging Solution Against Predators for Backyard Chickens

Reader Contribution by Melissa Caughey
Published on December 17, 2012
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Other than a good dust bath, there is no other place that a chicken would rather be than free-ranging about their environment.   Chickens love to scratch in the dirt. They love to discover bugs, worms and tasty grubs as they explore their surroundings. However, most folks never free-range due to the risk of predators.  Those that allow their chickens to roam freely on their property accept and understand the risk of losing members of their flock from time to time.  This was not an option for me nor was it a risk that I felt comfortable with. One of the best solutions that I came up with three years ago was supervised free ranging.  Supervised free-ranging allows your flock to be out and about in the yard as your presence keeps predators away.

Some Benefits of Free Ranging

Better tasting eggs

Eggs with more nutritional value

Healthier, happier Hens

Toenail sharpening

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